~Open in Prayer~

•What’s something you’ve learned from this series so far?
•Have you registered for Leadership XP?
•What’s your favorite meal of the day?

Message Review
What God begins, He wants you to continue that you might become. It’s not just that God wants to start it…God wants us to sustain it so that we can become it. A divine turnaround is when God steps into any situation and leaves it greater than it was before it went downhill. It’s not that God just brings it back to its previous watermark, it’s that God brings it back to a place better than its previous watermark. When God turns things around, He doesn’t bring you back to where you were before Satan touched your stuff; He brings you back double of what you were before Satan touched your stuff. That’s a divine turnaround.

Let’s dig in more…

Read Genesis 26:1-11; 12-13
God can turn around anything and everything, anywhere, and any time. I don’t care what situation you’re in, God can turn it around. In fact, God will sometimes bring you into a famine different than the famine you went through last time to show you that He’s not limited to only that type of turnaround. But the challenge is sometimes we get frustrated because we wonder why God didn’t show up on our timeline. But God will wait to show up when it gets to a place beyond your expectation to show you He indeed does exceedingly and abundantly and above what you would ask, think, or imagine. So God says, get me out of the box that you put me in. You’ve seen me do that…you ain’t seen me do this. This is a whole another level. What has God turned around in your life? How has God continued to amaze you beyond your expectations?

Read Genesis 26:13 | Isaiah 38:1-5; 10
Read and discuss the following keys to a turnaround. Which one of these is easiest/hardest for you?

Refuse to accept that your current circumstance will be your perpetual reality – You have to refuse to accept “it has to stay this way.” You have to believe it even if no one else does. Just because they put a certain label on you doesn’t mean you have to accept it. Your life will not be your experience, it will be what you choose to accept. God cannot turn around what you say is okay or what you condone. You have to reject it in order to give Him permission to turn it around.

Possess a different spirit – You have to be different than what’s around you. Put on the garment of praise to replace the spirit of heaviness. Put on the spirit you want to manifest in the atmosphere.

Sow a seed opposite to the season you’re in – If you continue to do what everyone else is doing you will stay in the same place. A seed is any act that you do in the now that you expect to produce a result in the future. Move against the momentum and plant new seeds that will breakthrough in your future.

Operate at your expectation and not your experience – Don’t lower your expectation to match how you feel. You need to see the habits the next level demands and start doing them today.

Learn the power of stacking – You cannot become what you do not begin; you have start. You have to begin and continue in order to become. Be a finisher of the things you start. That’s how you move from glory to glory to glory. If it’s working, work it. Don’t get distracted by the “new” and novel and decide to do something different. Do what works then keep doing it.

Stack victories together – Aggressively stack what’s working and aggressively stop what isn’t. Stop digging a whole and wonder why you’re in a pit. The key to becoming is consistency. Start
where you can and continue that.

Follow the rule of the 1 degree turn – If you change your life 1 degree a day eventually you will turn it all the way around. You don’t have to jump over mountains to change. You just have to give it 1 degree a day. If you begin and you continue you will become.

Give God the praise worthy of the turnaround – Praise at the level of your revelation. Praise God like He’s able.

Scripture References
Genesis 26:12-13
Isaiah 38:1-9
Isaiah 38:10-12
Isaiah 38:17-20

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray that each member takes hold of their turnaround and take each day one degree at a time until they see the results they desire (don’t get tired of doing what is good, for at the proper time you will reap a harvest if you don’t give up –Galatians 6:9).