~Open in prayer~

•What’s your favorite season and why?
•What have you achieved this week that you feel proud of?
•What’s the story behind your name?

Our Heavenly Father corrects and disciplines his children externally so it can create a value system internally. The Bible says the Lord’s discipline is challenging, but God is trying to bring us back to who we originally are. We can feel secure and loved in the parameters that the Lord has placed before us. The next time something comes against us we will not need the Lord to correct us because we will be able to correct ourselves. People who have dominion from within, they are temperate in all things. When you live a disciplined life, your words will be powerful, and your instructions respected.


Read I Corinthians 9:24-27. Paul speaks about runners on a racetrack but only one receives the victor’s prize. A true athlete will discipline himself, but we run the race to receive the victor’s crown that will last forever. We must train like a champion athlete and control our flesh, so that after preaching the good news we do not disqualify ourselves to others. What are some ways you hold yourself accountable? What are some new ways you are working on building your character?

Read Psalm 23:4. The passage states that the Lord comforts us with His “rod and staff” by placing boundaries in our lives. The Lord’s discipline may at times be unpleasant, but we are secure because we know that He wants the best for His children. Do you recognize when the Lord is placing boundaries in your life for your good? Do you comply with what He is trying to show you, or do you rebel against His discipline?

Read Ephesians 6:2-4. The word says that you are to “Honor your father and your mother”, so that you will prosper and live a long full life. Pastor Ron states that we should always honor a “life source” and our parents were used by God to give us life. Parents are only for a season but honoring your parents should last a lifetime. The passage also states that Fathers should not provoke their children, but discipline and counsel them to reveal the Lord to them. How do you honor the “life sources” in your life? (For parents) Does your parenting reveal the Lord to your children?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Find an accountability partner in the group. Discuss things you want to be held accountable for and to help you ensure your parameters stay in place.