~Open in prayer~

•What’s the strangest family tradition in your family?
•What were words you couldn’t pronounce as a child, so you made up your own?
•What’s the worst haircut you ever had?

We all have a God given purpose and destiny in our lives. It is not the responsibility of God to make sure that these things come to pass in our lives. When Jesus died on the cross it was finished and there was nothing else He had to do. The Bible says that we must ask, seek and knock on heaven’s door until it opens. Every persistent person will get what he asks for. Every persistent seeker will discover what he needs. And everyone who knocks persistently will one day find an open door.


Read Luke 11:5-15. Jesus gave the example of a persistent friend who would not relent from asking until he received the bread he wanted. Jesus said in this same way, we should stay consistent in prayer. He shared the importance to ask, seek and knock until the door of heaven opens. Are you diligently asking, seeking and knocking? Do you put a demand on your request?

Read Luke 10:17-19. Jesus states that He has imparted to His children all His authority to trample on demons and overcome every power that Satan possesses. Are you using the authority that Jesus has imparted into you? Share examples how you are using this authority.

Read Isaiah 50:4. The Bible says that our Heavenly Father has given us a well-instructed tongue and wakens our ear every morning for His instructions. Do you start your day inclining your ear to the instruction of the Holy Spirit? Do you include Holy Spirit when making life decisions?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. As a group, continue to encourage one another to inquire the Holy Spirit in all that concerns our lives and hearts.