~Open in prayer~

• Have you ever ziplined?
• What’s your favorite hobby?
• What are your holiday plans?

God has a corporate purpose for His Church. God does not build our lives apart from one another, but instead bringing us together. God has an original intent that He wants carried out by the Church. He wants your life built in a way that connects to His “bigger picture” of the corporate church. God wants to do in the body of Christ collectively what He did in the Body of Christ (Jesus) individually. There are times God will say no to something we want for our lives that seems it should be a good thing for us, but it may not work for His corporate purpose.


•Read John 14:1-3 Jesus said these words as a means of comfort. Many have used this scripted for many funerals. When Jesus says in my Father’s house there are many mansions, Jesus is not talking about heaven. The Father’s house is Jesus. The many mansions He speaks of are “many places to dwell”. When Jesus said this to the disciples, He was not going back to heaven, but He was on His way to the cross. When Jesus (the word) entered the world, heaven emptied itself. God the Father and God the Spirit came and dwelled in God “the Word”. Jesus was on His way to the cross and said he prepared a place for you. When Jesus went through His death, burial, and resurrection then He was able to live in us and we can abide in Him. There is no such thing as individual destiny outside of corporate destiny. How can our plans effect the body of Christ? Why is it important to ask God what His will is for our lives?

•Read Ephesians 3:10 The book of Ephesians is a book of possession. We think that Jesus came to make the power of God known, but His intent was the manifold wisdom of God be known by the church. Principalities are set up in every, city, community, region all over the world. God’s power should be demonstrated by God’s church and we should be able to collectively come together against these principalities. What is the original intent of the body of Christ? Why is it important for us to be in one accord when coming against demonic principalities?

•Read John 16:8-12 Jesus said the Holy Spirit will come and convict the world of its sin because they do not believe in Him. The ruler of this world would also be judged. We as the body of Christ have power in our words in unity. The measure of Christ does not show its power until we say it together. Let’s not let this opportunity slip from our hands again in the future. We missed an opportunity to speak as a group in the power of Christ during the past almost two years during quarantine. How can we use our voice and demonstrate the power of Christ?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray the Lord show you this week if there is anything in your life stopping you from becoming closer to your brothers and sisters in Christ. What are you speaking about them? Are you holding offenses or passing judgement on them?