~Open in prayer~

• Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
• What’s your favorite things about fall?
• Do you plan to travel for the holidays?

There are kingdom keys that can unlock blessings only when we work with others. When ALL of Israel shouted, the walls came down because they shouted with “one” voice. When Achan sinned, it was as if all of Israel sinned. That is because God saw Israel as One. Scripture says when two or three are gathered, Jesus said, “I will be in the midst of you.” Jesus also said that if any two would touch and agree on earth, it would be done in heaven. You will learn the origin of a thing when you study their culture. Can people see that you are a child of God just by watching how you live your life?


•Read Psalms 133:1-3 The scriptures state that it is good and pleasant to see brothers and sisters live in unity. It states that in this unity is where the Lord commanded the blessed life forevermore. Why is the blessing given by God once there is unity? What is the analogy us ed in this scripture regarding Aaron’s beard?

•Read Ephesians 2:21-22 The bible says we, as the body of Christ, are a building, and every member is being built together so that God can dwell in this building. It does not mean you have one person who is anointed and is highlighted alone. This means we as the body all have gifts and talents to bring those things together so God’s spirit can dwell in. What are some of the things that happen when we, as the body of Christ, assemble?

•Read Ephesians 3:18-20 Scripture says that the goal is that we (the body) may be filled with the fullness of God. Jesus the man was filled with the fullness of God. In the book of Acts 1-10 the early church operated in the fullness of God. We have not seen the full measure yet because we are divided in so many ways. How can we be filled as the body of Christ with the fullness of Christ?

•Read Ephesians 3:10 Bible says when the church comes together the original intent is for the body of Christ to walk in full spiritual authority. The will of God is that the church would get together and push back the darkness on the earth. We must then put down division and hatred for one another and operate in one accord. Then we will be a force against the powers of darkness that are in this world.

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Heart check: What are some things that are holding you back from becoming one with your brother and sister? What do you need to put down? Who do you need to forgive?