~Open in prayer~

• What was your first vehicle?
• Where is the first place you traveled to?
• What State/Country are you from?

God has given gifts and skill sets that are not for ourselves but for us to use for others. God has given these skills for us to use for the house of God and His people. When we serve and use these gifts and skills for others we are to serve unto the Lord. It’s not only that we are supposed to do a certain thing but to become all that God created us to be. As we develop into who God wants us to, then that is when doors will open for us. We should resemble the Lord when we speak or in our daily actions. When we serve a man or woman of God, we do not serve them but the anointing. Character is being developed as we serve others and God is qualifying at the same time. Get in touch with greatness and then the anointing in them will be accessible to you if you do it well.


•Read Ephesians 1:11-12 The scripture speaks about “our inheritance”. It does not speak of something we receive but something that we become. When we become everything we are supposed to become we will do all that we are meant to do. Why is personal development so important to the release of your inheritance? Do you resemble Jesus in your daily life to the outside world?

•Read 1 Samuel 3:3-10 The bible says Samuel did not distinguish the voice of God and his mentor. He woke Eli up several times thinking he was speaking to him. Eli no longer heard the voice of the Lord, but he had the revelation that Samuel was too young to understand at the time. They both had something the other did not have and needed one another at this time of training for Samuel. Do you or have you ever had a mentor/spiritual mother or father? Do you have someone in your life now that holds you accountable and that you allow to speak into your life?

•Read Ephesians 1:16-21 In this scripture Paul speaks that the Father of Glory will give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. But the door to get this is by your intimacy with Him and that way the scales would fall from your eyes. What is something you can do to increase your intimacy with Him? What type of commitment are you willing to set to get closer to Him?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray for one another that your relationship with Holy Spirit increases for the entire group.