~Open in prayer~

• Where is your favorite place to grab a burger?
• What time of day do you spend with God?
• Share your “go to” scripture.

Never have we seen Christians more divided than in the last 12-24 months. Strategies and schemes caused by the enemy set up to place deep wounds within people’s hearts by which so many have never experienced the love of God and so were not able to get over the pain. It is difficult for the church to forgive offense but even worse for people that do not know the love of God. So, when the enemy strategizes a scandal or offense, this offense causes division, and that division destroys the power of unity. When offenses come, we then face the decision of forgiveness. And forgiveness is accomplished when you accept the blood of Jesus as payment for anyone who sinned against you.


•Read Ephesians 6:10-11. In the scriptures, it is spoken about the importance of wearing the armor of God against the wiles (strategies) of the enemy. You can look back on your life or the life of your family members and see the strategies of the enemy and how it caused offenses and division. God shows up in power and unity. The enemy’s goal is to cause offense and divide. Do you currently put on the armor of God daily? Can you see times in your life when the enemy’s strategies affected the track of your life?

•Read Luke 17:1. This passage is Jesus speaking about offense. He is teaching the disciples that it is impossible that no offense will come. The enemy’s very job is to create strategies for opportunities to offend. If we know that offense is impossible to divert, what are things we should be mindful of in everyday life? How can we live a life of forgiveness?

•Read Matthew 11:1-15. Pastor Ron shared the story of Jesus and John the Baptist. John was the forerunner of Jesus and made the path to speak about Him before He came forward as the Messiah. Later, once Jesus was in full ministry, John then questioned if he was the Messiah or if he had to look for someone else? Jesus sent word to him that the blind received sight, the lame walk, the people with leprosy were cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. He also said, “Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me.” John was the very person who knew and proclaimed who Jesus was ahead of his time. Offense caused him to question what he knew was truth about Jesus. The offense distorted his vision of Jesus. Can you see how offense can cause to question what we know to be true? How can we protect ourselves from becoming offended?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray for one another to have a heart of forgiveness and restoration. We know because Jesus told us that offense would come but remember that forgiveness is OUR choice.