~Open in prayer~

•Name one group member you think would most likely survive in a deserted island.
•What is one thing you wish you had started earlier in your life?
• How many states have you been to? OPEN IN PRAYER

When God gives us a word, he usually doesn’t give us the details. God wants to see how we will put our faith to work because the enemy will attack right away. As followers of Christ, we are to expect a storm when a promise for our future is given. It is the job of the enemy to put something in front of your eyes to talk you out of what God put in your ears.


Read Mark 4:35-40. How can we put our faith to work when we become afraid? When the “storm” comes, why is fear sometimes our first reaction?

•If Jesus says, “we’re going to the other side” it doesn’t matter if the boat sinks or if sharks circle around you, you are going to the other side. Has God given you a dream that you didn’t pursue because it was too hard? What steps will you need to take to start again with stronger faith?

•It is the job of the enemy to build something around you that contradicts what’s in you. Have you ever believed a lie? How can you discern between what God is saying and what the enemy is telling you?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. This week pray for people that are living in fear. There are many people that hear God’s promises but don’t pursue them out of fear. Pray for people to find the freedom to do God’s will and have the strength to get to the other side!