~Open in prayer~

•What is your favorite candy or treat?
•Have you ever lived in another country or state?
•Where would you time-travel, if it were possible?

Your garden is a multiplier which means whatever seed you plant will grow. The seeds that you plant inside yourself, such as what you look at, listen to or allow in your life will expand. Whatever is going on in you will be pushed to the surface and create issues. If you have relationship issues, it’s because you planted bad relationship seeds. The devil didn’t create your issues, you did. Make sure to guard your heart because that is where all the issues start. Guard your heart at the gate and start planting biblical seeds to flourish in your life.


•The Bible is heavens seed in your hand. When you approach God, approach him with seed aka a word. If all peace has left your home, find the seeds of peace in the word and save it in your heart. Have each person in your group research a bible verse on different topics such as peace, fear, hope and relationships. These should be verses that bring encouragement.

Read Proverbs 24:3. Understanding what is going on around you will give you a mirror of what is going on in you. Have you ever liked a song and realized later the songs message was bad? Were you surprised by the songs message?

•Guard your heart at the gate. Don’t start at the heart because that might be too late. Let’s do some heart inventory: are you listening to music that has the right message? Are you watching movies/tv shows that enhance you? Are you reading things that bring you closer to God?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. This week is thanksgiving, let’s pray for those people that feel alone and cannot visit their family. Pray for peace and comfort during these trying times.