~Open in prayer~

•Have you ever been mistaken for someone famous?
•Are you a listener or a talker?
•If you could listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?

God is calling what he has planted in you into accountability. Multiplication was built into your DNA. Covid may have shut us down temporarily but we were never meant to stop multiplying. We become unproductive because we stop using what we have and complain about what we don’t have. If you feel like you are in an unproductive season, then change your habits because your life can make a difference.


•Some people are so focused on what they don’t have they stop using what they do have. Do you ever wish you had more? What would you do with $1 million dollars?

Read Luke 13:6-9. Your purpose is to bear much fruit for God. What are you doing with what you have? What are the gifts and talents that God has given you? How are you using those to multiply the kingdom?

Read Philippians 3:8-9. Paul said that everything he had gone through was dung or crap. We need to understand that sometimes God throws crap at us to increase our potential. How can instability be a positive thing? What is your response when God throws you a curve ball in life?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. This week pray for those people that feel like they have no purpose. Pray that God shows them what he created them for to start living their best lives.