~Open in prayer~

•What is your favorite thing about technology? Least favorite?
•How would you change your life today if the average life expectancy was 400 years?
•What dance move are you secretly awesome at?

To get back to our original intent we need to go through restoration. Restoration takes time and can get messy, but it leads you back to where God intended you to be. God always wanted us to know the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit knows your full potential. We gain the inheritance that God has prepared for us when we know the Holy Spirit and are fully restored.


Read Ephesians 1:3-5. God has a purpose and will for each of us which is the original intent for our lives. Do you think you are living out God’s original intent for your life? What do you think that original intent is?

•Read Ephesians 1:11-12. Part of our inheritance from God is not to restore material things but to restore any time we have lost. Has there been a period of time in your life that you feel you lost your sense of purpose? How did you gain it back?

•Read Psalm 51: 12. Many things happen in our lives that takes us away from our original intent. At what age were you saved and truly gave your whole life to Christ? Did something happen before that to try to keep you away from serving God?

•You can’t know your original intent without knowing the Holy Spirit. Do you have a relationship with the Holy Spirit? If not, would you like to?

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. This week let’s pray for those people who are living in lost time. Pray for those who are living in their circumstances and that the Lord sends his Holy Spirit to show them their potential for more.