~Open in prayer~

• Do you go to the bible for wisdom?
• Is journaling part of your daily activities?
• Have you been participating in 21 Days of Prayer?

Message Review
Wisdom is two things; it is the ability to apply knowledge and the ability to tell the difference. Difference in people, difference in a moment, difference in seasons, difference in atmosphere. The bible says that there is ever increasing in knowledge but not many who are wise. People may have a great education but still may not be wise. The entire premise behind this series is that typically most Christians are in the arena of “am I doing right or wrong” in my life. Once we mature enough it should be easier for us to do right instead of wrong. The next level question is “is it wise?” There are some things that are not sin, but is it beneficial in your life? Does it edify? Does it move the needle forward in your life? Pastor Ron is challenging all of us to read the entire book of Proverbs during this series.
Let’s dig in and learn more.

Let’s Talk About It!

Read Proverbs 1:1-7
The Beginning of Knowledge
1 The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel:
2 To know wisdom and instruction,
To [a]perceive the words of understanding,
3 To receive the instruction of wisdom,
Justice, judgment, and equity;
4 To give prudence to the simple,
To the young man knowledge and discretion—
5 A wise man will hear and increase learning,
And a man of understanding will [b]attain wise counsel,
6 To understand a proverb and an enigma,
The words of the wise and their riddles.
7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

We cannot live above your level of revelation. We all will need to re-evaluate who has our ear. A man of understanding will always go out and seek wise counsel. We live in a day where people do not want anyone to tell them anything. Do not be one of these people that no one can tell you anything. Seek wise counsel but then turn around and apply the wisdom that they imparted into you. Who do you go to for counsel? How are they living their life?

Read Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no [a]revelation, the people cast off restraint; But happy is he who keeps the law.

The bible says that people that have no vision for their life, cast off restraint and run wild. So, if you are the type of person that “anything goes” in your life and does what feels good, you will need a vision from God to start a change. Not only a vision but parameters in your life can change the trajectory of your life. When you get a vision for your life and see what God says, you will be able to change the direction and what influences you allow in and out of your life. Are there some areas in your life you need to place parameters? Are there some that you are doing really well and see the fruit?
Share that with the group.

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Encourage one another to spend time with God this week and ask if there are areas you may need to change and place parameters on. Is there a decision you made that was good but maybe wasn’t God (wise).