~Open in prayer~

• Share a favorite devotional you’ve read?
• Do you worship the Lord daily? If yes, how so?
• Are you looking forward to the summer?

Message Review
This will be the final message in the Wisdom Society series. We hope that it touched you and taught you new things. Wisdom is the ability to apply knowledge but also the ability to recognize differences. Differences in season, in time, in people and situations. John 2:23-25 speaks on how Jesus did not commit himself to the people because they were only responding to His gift. They truly did not know Him. This example shows how we should not focus on men’s approval but instead there should be a fire and flame that comes internally from your relationship with God. Just like in the book of Jeremiah when he said, “the fire that shot up in my bones”. We may not have many people to encourage us or pat us on the back, but we still press forward to do the things we have been called to do by God. Let’s dig a little deeper into this message.

Let’s Talk About It!

Read 1 Corinthians 12:7-11
Discerning of spirits– People talk about intuition and “street smarts” but that comes from being familiar. Discernment is walking into a room you have never been to, and you see things that are going on. Someone can walk into something they have no knowledge of, but they know what is happening. They can see the motive of someone that may be saying something different with their words. You feel the witness inside of you that tells you which way to go. This is the ability to discern. Women have had a history of being gullible. Women must be able to distinguish and know the difference of something that is good and of God or not. A “witness” in my spirit means it confirms with the Holy Spirit. He will show you what is safe or what is not safe, it will confirm if something is true or false. Most of the time it comes from the “gut” but that is where your innermost man. That’s when you say, “there’s something in my gut that tells me this does not feel right”. Have you ever walked into a room or establishment and immediately discern something was “not right”? Did you ever not listen to your “gut feeling” and then suffered consequences for ignoring it?

Nature and Behavior – Now if you understand the nature of a thing, it’s behavior will never surprise you. It is the nature of people to love your gift. It is the nature of people to love what you bring to the table but interpret it as loving you. If you quit bringing your gift to the table, we would see how the people who say they love you would respond. Jesus understood the people and he did not commit himself because he knew the nature of man. You may love the “Rockstar” for example and say that, but you really don’t know them or their character, you only know their gift. The issue is the Rockstar may project this image and then suffer when they just want to be their real self and the “people” demand they be the image all the time. Jesus knew the people believed in him because of His gift. If you can sing, play ball, act… whatever you can give your gift to the world. They can have your gift, but they cannot have YOU. Jesus did not give himself away only his gifts. Once a person stops their gift, we never hear from them again. Why? Because we never really loved them, we loved what they did. Do you remember when you loved someone but realize now it was only because of their gift? Share your example with the group.

Read Matthew 13:53-58
Nature of success – When success hits your life it’s usually the people closest to you are the last to jump on the celebration train. When you go with God, it will take you out of step most times with people you were closest to. People will miss what God wanted you to do to bless them. The way you perceive someone is the way you receive them. If you discern someone and honor them properly, the gift on their life will touch you. if not, you will miss it. Continue to move forward anyway and do not compromise your destiny for anyone. Do you have an experience of when success came your way and you lost people you were close to? How did you navigate through that?

Nature of change – You will discern if someone is mean to be temporary or long term. A question is can they love you when your seasons change? Will they love you in the next season like they did in the past season. In life we will go through many seasons and when the season cannot hold us, the covenant will hold till the feelings come back. God doesn’t ask you to make a covenant with friends or coworkers but only with Him and your spouse. why? it’s not based on the ebbs and flows of season and feelings, but it is a constant that will hold you together no matter how many changes come. Has your circle become smaller lately? Are you more cautious when allowing people into your life?

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray over the group that the Holy Spirit would give an increase in discernment this week!