~ Open in Prayer ~

•What’s something you enjoyed about summer as a child?
•Would you rather spend a day at the beach or a day at the lake?
•What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?

Message Review
God gave us dominion but how do we fully walk in that dominion? Life is not supposed to rule you; you’re supposed to rule it. Activating the blessing through the tithe is one way we can experience the power of dominion God gave us on this earth. However unity is another blessing releasing principle. In Part 6 of this series Pastor Ron continues to teach on the principle of unity. There is power in unity and if we get on one accord our potential is endless.

Let’s dig in more…

Read Psalm 133
We live in a culture that covets personality driven ministry. If we can’t get to the stage (the Pastor) we get upset. All of the theatrics and entertainment of the church is trying to compensate for a lack of the move of God. We are supposed to be experiencing miracles and blessings but that is not happening. This is an indication that there is something we don’t know. This lack of knowledge is why we are not experiencing “the greater works” Jesus said we would do through the Holy Spirit. The blessing isn’t released until it has flowed from the head all the way down through the body to the tassels. What is preventing this flow? Lack of unity. Jesus had the Holy Spirit (power of God) without measure. However, we each have a different measure of faith, gifts, talent, grace, etc. If you try to live in someone else’s measure you will get crushed. We must all operate within our own measures which build up to the complete measure of God through the Holy Spirit. Everyone operating in their own measure adds up to operating in unity as a body. This then allows the oil to flow throughout causing the blessing to be released. Why is it important for each person to operate in their own measure? Have you ever tried/wanted to operate in someone else’s measure? How did that turn out? What different “measures” do you feel God has given you?

Read Hebrews 11:3 | Philippians 2:13
Your life is framed by the word of God. Through God’s word (unseen) the world (what is seen) was formed. Your life (what is seen) is formed through what God has planned and what He speaks (unseen). What God calls you is more important than who you are. God called Jacob Israel, Simon Peter, and Abram Abraham. What God called them transformed who they were. It reframed their life. Every time you get a word from God He’s redrawing the parameters of your life. Whenever God gives you a word that’s beyond you He’s calling you to the next place. He’s enlarging your territory and giving you the tools, power, and knowledge to do His will. What have been some “reframing” moments in your life?

Read Colossians 3:3 | 1 Corinthians 2:9-10; 14-15
Your life is hidden in your spirit. God knows your full potential and it is already in you. However, you have to push it out as God reveals it to you. Your potential will be uncovered through different seasons of life. It’s internal and you’ll have to search internally and be connected to the source (God) to have it revealed through the Holy Spirit. No amount of conferences or workshops are going to help you. God is the ultimate revealer of all truth and the truth is what is inside of you. One thing about destiny is everyone can’t go. Being in step with God will take you out of step with people. No one will understand and you will look foolish, but only God knows the true you. You have to trust who He’s revealing you to be which has been hidden inside. Who has God revealed you to be?

Ephesians 4:1-16
If we get on one accord we can operate in the fullness of Christ. Jesus is now a “corporate man” not just a single man and all of us are a part of the fullness of Christ. Each person operating in their own measure is contributing to the unification of the body. When this unity is achieved Jesus can fully reign on this earth through us and there is potential and blessing beyond what we can imagine. There can’t be any “nay sayers” or people trying to cause discord. We must make every effort to keep unity in the body of Christ. How have you contributed positively or negatively to the unity of the body of Christ?

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray that they each operate in the unique measure God has given them.

Scripture References
Psalm 133
Malachi 4:2
John 3:34-36
Romans 12:3
Ephesians 4:7
Matthew 25:14
Hebrews 4:15-16
Philippians 2:13
1 Corinthians 15:10
Hebrews 11:1-3
Ephesians 4:1-7
Ephesians 4:9-13
Colossians 3:1-3
1 Corinthians 2:9-15