~ Open in Prayer ~

• What’s one “high” and/or “low” from the past week for you?
• Leader’s Choice (ask your own question)
• Member’s Choice (ask members if they have a question to ask the group)

Message Review
Give a brief overview of the sermon highlighting key points.

Scripture Reading
Read through the key scriptures together. After reading each one discuss any highlights and how it relates to the sermon.

Matthew 24:14 | Matthew 5:3 | Genesis 2:2 | James 3:4-12 | Psalm 1:1-6

Questions for Discussion
1. What did you think of the sermon? What stood out to you?
2. What is something new you learned from the sermon?
3. Was anything about the sermon challenging for you? Why?
4. What’s the easiest and/or hardest aspect of the sermon to apply to your life? Why?
5. What implications does the sermon have for the Kingdom?

Review what was discussed. Ask each member to state their key takeaways/any action items.

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray for the group in relation to the sermon topic/key points.