~Open in prayer~

• Share your favorite place to eat after church.
• What is your favorite worship song?
• Share a person that you have high honor and respect for? What is your favorite memory with them?

Message Review
We need to recognize the importance of honoring the culture of the Kingdom. We live in a culture of disrespect which is the spirit of Jezebel. This is the opposite of what the Kingdom demonstrates. We have lost our ability to honor one another. Cultivating honor again needs to start in the House of God. We don’t honor people because they are honorable, we do it because it’s our standard. We honor others because it’s on standard, whether they are worthy of it or not. Every sin is a sin of dishonor. There are ten commands in the Bible, four of them have to do with honoring God and six of them have to do with honoring people. In every sin you are either dishonoring God, people, or yourself. When we discuss honor, the Bible is the seed for new territory. By coming to church, you are being given the seed to leave from there and take new territory. When you get Word, you are getting the substance of things hoped for and evidence not yet seen. You are given the recipe on how to move forward to your next. Listening is the seed for learning. Knowledge is the seed for change, you cannot change without learning something new. You cannot live above what you know. Honor is the seed for access. You cannot access what you do not respect. I can see where you are going by what and who they honor. When you do not have time to view people’s character, you just look at who they honor. How do they respond to greatness, weakness, or pain? Honor is the culture of the Kingdom, so if we want Kingdom thing to happen in church then there has to be honor from one to another. Everything outside of the church walls wants you and your brother on the same path to be divided. But something has to happen inside of the church doors that when we move outside of the church, people will see things that they have never seen before. This because we will not let their arrows and wedges divide who we are. We are a people that honor one another, and we can access each other’s lives because of honor. Whatever you honor, you have the ability to access!

The proof of honor is adaptation. When men honor their wives, they adapt to many things. In the Bible, Esther soaked in oil for a year to adapt to a culture befitting a King. Joseph shaved his beard because Egyptians did not like facial hair. What you honor, you are willing to adapt to. We’ve had to adapt to the multicultural body of Redemption because we know it is what Heaven will look like and not what we see in the world. We honor what is happening at Redemption and we believe in it!

If you do not have any honor for me today, how can I bless you? There is no way I can bless you if you think to yourself “I don’t know about this Ron guy.” I can’t help you because if there was anointing on my life, you would not be able to access it. I can’t honor you if you do not honor me.
Think about an area in your life where there is a blockage on access because you do not other something or someone.

Galatians 4:1-2
In these two verses, we see that there is a prearranged blessing that only comes at the right time of maturity. Positionally, we have earned our blessings but conditionally cannot receive it until it is the appointed time for us to possess it. There are people that God has prearranged blessings for that are to be released at specific times of maturity; but we cannot come into them until those individuals are locked into mature thinking, talking, responses to situations, etc. That keeps us from receiving our blessings.
Do you believe you are ready for God’s promises that He shared with you in this season?

Colossians 3:23-24
God has locked your inheritance up in other people and when you serve them, it becomes unlocked. Whatever you have been assigned to, you are doing an uninspired task. What keeps you inspired is knowing that when you are doing it, you are not doing it for other people but as unto the Lord. Then from the Lord you will receive the promised inheritance. So, yes, we are obedient because we know that the eyes of the Lord are watching us. We put our all into everything that we do for the Lord. Share one task that you may not always enjoy doing but you do it because you know it is pleasing to God.

As we finish out this year, let’s remember to do everything we take part in unto God and to be obedient to what He has called us to do. Maybe you struggled completing certain tasks this year, plan to complete it and do it well next year. Set goals and expectations for yourself. This is important because when we are obedient to our assignments and bless others, we are serving and pleasing God!

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Encourage one another to stir up your faith and pray BIG prayers this week and expect God to blow your mind with His answers.