~Open in prayer~

● Share your favorite “go to” scripture?
● Favorite summer snack?
● Best childhood memory?

Message Review
In Proverbs 6:16-19 the bible says there are six things the Lord hates
and the 7th is an abomination:
• A proud look
• A lying tongue
• Hands that shed innocent blood
• A heart that devises wicked plans
• Feet that are swift to run to evil
• A false witness who speaks lies
• And the worst of all is one who sows discord among the brethren

We will dig in deeper to this passage. Let’s go!

Let’s Talk About It!

Read Romans 16:17-20
God says make a note of the people that every time they get around you there is drama. watch these people how you allow them to see your weaknesses. some people will help you, but others want to use it against you. they walk around causing offense are the ones walking around offended all the time. when you take the bait of a scandal means you have offense. when someone is offended you can’t do anything right when they are offended. take note they become a common denominator that any circle they get in they cause discord. make a mental note around people like that because you will have to watch what you say around them. Pastor stays quiet around such people because he states, “silence cannot be misquoted”. mark those that cause division and offenses these people are out for self fulfillment. if you have accord and they have discord they want you to have discord too. They use smooth words and flattering speech they fool the simple, enemies show up as friends. God tells us we have to love others, but we do not have to trust. If I don’t love you then you can’t hurt me but when I do love you if become vulnerable. We have some that are in the outer court (love from far away), some are in the inner court, and some are holy of holies (earned the right to get in). Intimacy is not sex; it is information and some of us offer information to people who have not earned it. Scripture says to protect your peace but because others do not have it, they try to wreak havoc in your life. The bible says that God is a God of “right relationships”, and He will crush Satan under your feet!
Do you exercise discernment and establish boundaries in your relationships? What are some things you can put in place to “protect your peace”?

Read Proverbs 6:16-19
As we shared at the beginning of this message the 6 things the Lord hates and 7 is the worst of all. God hates when someone causes discord in the body of Christ. Just as Pastor taught a few weeks back about being a window of heaven (people who allowed to be used so the goodness of God can enter into the earth).
Demons do not have flesh so if they want to enter the earth realm, they also have to use someone. The gospel is about God becoming a man and took on flesh and dwelled among us to enter the earth and impact the world. Hell has entry points as well which are called gates. The truth is just because you are a Christian does not mean you cannot be used as a gate. Be careful when you become angry, offended or irrational because the enemy could be using you.
How do you keep your heart clean? Do you have accountability partner who can correct you or bring things to your attention when needed?

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray for those close to you and in your group that they remain humble and teachable to not be used as a gate for the enemy but to remain as a window for God’s work on earth.

Scripture References
Proverbs 6:16-19
Romans 16:17-20
Matthew 10:16
Luke 14:27-33
1 Corinthians 2:7-9