~Open in prayer~

• Have you read “The Necessity of an Enemy”?
• Favorite car ride worship song?
• What is your summer vacation plans?

Message Review
David had an issue with one woman. David was home when men were at war, he went out to his balcony and saw something he should not have saw; felt something he shouldn’t have felt and did something he should not have done. He later had a son named Solomon who wrote the wisdom book of Proverbs. Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. When you see what he wrote in Ecclesiastes you can see in his writing his heart had changed. What was not broken in his father was enhanced in his life. The weakness that you do not break become multiplied with your children. Saul was the first King of Israel. God never wanted Israel to have a King, but they cried out for a King. Saul ruled so badly, and, in the bible, it said “God repented” because He had chosen Saul. Saul would not obey the Lord regarding the Amalekites. God told him he would have the victory, but he was to destroy them all. Saul kept the king and the livestock. He did not obey, and partial obedience is still disobedience. Samuel the prophet confronted him and found he did not obey God. That’s when God sends Samuel to find David and anoint him to be king. Amalekites killed Saul and his son so then David became King. Whatever you fail to destroy it will destroy you. Enemies in your life are anything that God wants to destroy that other people want to enhance. Let’s dig in further.
Let’s Talk About It!

Read 2 Corinthians 4:7-8
If you are under attack, there is a treasure somewhere. A thief is never after the vault they want what is in the vault. the thief will do whatever he needs to do with the vault because he wants what the vault is carrying. Your battle is not personal because the enemy knows what you carry and that’s what he is after. God has a way of putting valuable stuff in very unassuming vessels. God loves to bury something great in people that others gave up on. If you are under attack and people in your life may not have seen but God knows what He placed, it in you for greatness and to be used for His glory! God has no problem when you are grateful because you know He placed you somewhere. God shares His glory with NO ONE! So, when people see that God uses someone like you and me, they know it is all because of Him! And even though we may feel the crushing and the pressure we will not be destroyed. God will protect us, and we will finish what we are called to do. Do you remember a time you dealt with unusual warfare? How did you get through that period in your life?

Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-17
Bible says even though my outward man is perishing I will not lose heart. I may be attacked on the outside but my treasure inside is growing day by day. Your battle directly parallels your door. You will not open great doors and have ordinary battles. Share a time when you went through a difficult battle but then the door to promotion or breakthrough was on the other side.

Read Mark 4:13-14
Jesus taught the group using the parable about sowing. The sower sows the word and that is filling you up with potential. It is up to you how you cultivate the seed that was given. Satan comes immediately and tries to take away the word that was sown in your heart. You may think it’s personally what the enemy is trying to do to you. The enemy’s job is to build things around you to contradict what God has placed in you. It is up to you to believe- Do I believe what I see? OR do I believe what God said? How do you stay encouraged to hang on to what you know God has told you about your life? How do you shut down the lies of the enemy when he tries to steal your seed?

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Encourage one another to stand strong in the battle because great reward is on the other side of that “great door”!!!

Scripture References
1 Corinthians 16:9
2 Corinthians 4:7-8
2 Corinthians 4:16-17
Mark 4:13-15
1 Samuel 17:4-10
1 Samuel 17: 25-29