~Open in prayer~

• What do you do when you need to “clear your mind”?
• Do you cook, meal prep or eat out during the week?
• What is your vacation planning this summer?

Message Review
A prophetic word is a single word you have to get so that your next season can be released in your life. Pastor Ron shared that he was given a prophetic word through this week’s message. One of his streams of the messages is speaking about the parallel between spiritual and physical things. We have a generation crying out to know that there is something out there bigger than them. We have a church that will not talk about it, and they just serve them coffee and want them to buy stuff. There must be a church where signs and wonders are back, and we lay hands on the sick and they recovery. There has to be a church where people speak in their heavenly language, where they can prophesy and speak words of wisdom and words of knowledge. God created heavens and earth, and He created the spiritual and physical realms. It was common for God to travel from heaven and earth on a regular basis to spend time with Adam, which means there must be “access points” or portals from heaven to earth. Things changed when Adam sinned. Let’s dig in more today to learn more about these
“access points”.

Let’s Talk About It!

Read Ezekiel 38
Satan learned the access points to move from heaven to earth. When Adam sinned the access points were cut off. Heaven has windows. One example of a window is our tithes. God does not open a window, when we give our tithes, we are then a window and God can then open us up. We become windows here on earth. If God will get something into the earth, He is going to use a person. Hell has gates, just like heavens windows are people, hells gates are people. if God want to bless you, He will send a person. If hell wants to curse you, they will send a person. It’s up to us to discern which is the correct one. The spirit realm does not have access into the earth without a body. God spoke “let man have dominion on the earth”. Why does God want us full of the Holy Spirit? So that the Holy Spirit can use us and have dominion on earth. Life has doors. Life is experienced in seasons, and the exit from one season to the next is through a door. There are different types of doors. Some doors are physical. the door is there to keep things out but also to let things in. It does not let in everything because it qualifies what can come in. You always know the value behind the door because of what type of lock there is on the door. The intricacies on the lock are telling me what is on the other side. If it’s valuable it will not be easy to unlock. Some doors physically open easily. And there are some that will not be easy, and we will have to push and work for it to open. some doors take action, force and relentlessness by not taking no for an answer. There are other doors that are on a timer. The door will not open till a certain time no matter what you try to do. Blind Bartimaeus in Matthew 10 ran after Jesus and screamed when he saw Jesus. He knew his breakthrough was on a timer and he was not going to miss his opportunity to this door which was Jesus. Other doors are by proximity. Some doors will not open up to you until you get in the presence of God. Some doors are not opening because you are not close enough to God, but when you get closer it will open. Has anyone identified what type of doors are open in front of you? Share a story of when God used a person to open a door.

Read Acts 16:25-36
Midnight is the end of a day and beginning of another day. In the passage, Paul and Silas are no longer in one place and going into the next. They were praising and worshipping God in prison after being beaten and bound the day before. When they praised – God showed up! He came to inhabit the praise from Paul and Silas. God came into the cell with them and busted the doors open. The cells could not contain the presence of God. They knew the only thing that would open this door is because of the presence of God. We are on the cusp of moving from one place to another with all doors are open! That is the word released over Redemption, ALL DOORS ARE OPEN! HALLELUJAH! Have you ever praised your way through a difficult time in your life? How did it effect the overall outcome of your situation? Share with the group.

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray for one another to have the discernment to identify the types of doors that are in front of you. Share testimonies and praise reports about open doors!