~Open in prayer~

• Are you excited about the season change?
• Do you share your salvation story often?
• What is your favorite part of the story of Jesus?

Message Review
We call it the Last Supper but that is not what the bible calls it. It is the night before the crucifixion of Jesus, and He sits with his disciples and some of them He knows will sell Him out. The bible says He takes the bread and breaks it and give it to them. He shares with them about the death, burial and resurrection, but they don’t see to fully understand yet. He reflects on the people who waved palm leaves at him just a day prior will now be shouting to crucify Him. Jesus took the cup and shared “this is My blood, and it is an everlasting covenant”, He told them take it as often as you do and remember Me. Lord Jesus, we remember Your sacrifice this day and we come in your name carry the full experience with us in our hearts always. We thank you that you saved us, but you also allow us to live heaven on earth. Thank you, Jesus, that you paid the ultimate price so that we can all live under Your blessing.

Let’s Talk About It!

Read Romans 10:9
The way people thought before was that Jesus saved you once you accepted Him as your Lord and Savior, but then you to do all these things to stay saved. This is not what the bible says. Jesus did not come to earth and pay a horrible price just to give us a “code of conduct”. This is one of the reasons the world calls Christianity a “world religion”, but it has never been a religion. The word religion derives from man’s desire to be accepted by God. The word religion defined means to conform to an outer code. If we go to a church service and “conform” to the way everyone conducts themselves in service, that is religion when nothing changes on the inside. The truth is we will never be good enough for God because we are stained with sin, but Jesus came to earth for us and became sin for us. Jesus was good enough for God and if we believe with our heart and confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord, that means we are SAVED! That plus nothing is good enough! Salvation is not our victory it is God’s victory and all we have to do is embrace it. Share your salvation story with the group. How did your life change when you said “yes” to Jesus?

Read John 3:1-5 & Romans 14:17
Jesus said unless you are born again (born of water & spirit) you cannot enter the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is not the place of heaven that it speaks of. Unless a man be born again, he will never experience righteousness, joy and peace. It never said he would not go to heaven because all who call on the name of the Lord will go to heaven. But while you are here on earth what will you experience here? If you wait to experience heaven till you arrive in heaven you have missed it. A king’s word is law, and his kingdom is an extension of his government. John the Baptist tried to prepare the people by letting them know they needed to change their thinking because Jesus was about to break into the earth. Jesus is a political figure; He is a King who did not usher in a religion but a kingdom. Do you feel you are truly living a “kingdom” life? Are you doing what God has called you to do or are feeling stuck? (It’s ok to be honest you are in a safe place)

Read Genesis 3:1-11
When Adam ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil fear came upon him immediately. He hid from God when He called on him. Adam told God he was hiding because he was naked. God then asked him “who told you that you were naked?” How many times did we believe something and forget who told us this information? What did we come in agreement with? What did we believe and speak it out over ourselves that was never from God?

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray and think about loved ones that are not saved. Make a list and commit to praying their salvation in. Encourage one another and pray together for these people.