~ Open in Prayer ~

•What’s something you love about summer?
•What’s your favorite cold treat on a hot summer day?
•Do you have any travel plans for the summer?

Message Review
There’s more to the blessing. It not only comes through the tithe but also through unity and the spoken word. In Part 5 of this series, Pastor Ron digs into the principle of unity. God rewards His greatest things with His most challenging demands. Unity is the most difficult principal but it’s a powerful one. When two or more people are on one accord the oil (the blessing) can fully flow from the head all the way to the bottom. Discuss your key highlights/takeaways from the message. What surprised you, challenged you, and/or got you excited?

Let’s dig in more…

Read Psalm 133
In America we don’t understand Kingdom, we understand church. Anything that has “unity” is considered a cult. We build us a Jesus that suites our lifestyle. However, the Kingdom is ONE – one body with one head and many members acting in unity. In our society why do we find it “weird” when a group of individuals are all on one accord? Why do we have such a resistance to “unity”? According to Psalm 133 what can be released when we are unified? 

The Kingdom is set as “headship” (Christ is the head of the church). If God wants to get something to the body, it’s going to hit the head first. When the oil can flow from the top all the way to the bottom there God will command the blessing. The blessing is in the ability of the oil to flow all the way to the bottom with no kinks.  The oil should run through the whole body (congregation); the whole church should be powerful and hold the ability to enact great spiritual breakthrough. However, unity is hard to achieve because of varying opinions, experiences, culture, education, upbringing, battles, etc. The enemy tries to put flies in the ointment but each of us has a choice/a decision to make regarding how we’re going to react to the temptation/distractions of the enemy. What are some things that often prevent the oil from reaching the bottom?  Discuss any circumstances where you may have prevented the oil from flowing.

Read Malachi 4:2
The bottom of the gown/robe had tassels which were referred to as wings. The woman with the issue of blood knew all she had to do was touch the hem of His garment. The oil fully flowed perfectly through Jesus because He was unity. In order for that same unity to flow through us as a body of believers, everyone needs to be able to focus on the same thing. Even though you may be presented with the opportunity to be mean and offended, you have to prefer the oil. God wants to get everyone whole; He wants the anointing flow down to the body.  God wants us to be unified. He hands out blessings to those who are unified. Share examples of when unity in your life (with family, friends, in the workplace, at church) resulted in success.

Read Ephesians 4:7 | Romans 12:3 | Matthew 25:14-15 | Hebrews 4:15-16
Though God’s resources are without measure, we each a have limited or a certain measure. The blood of Jesus was an act of mercy for us. We no longer get what we deserve. However, we are continuously on a search for grace.  Mercy is immediate, grace is a journey. God speaks to your end and knows your full measure but so does the enemy. Therefore, the enemy will try to tempt/distract you from operating in your full measure, but you must overcome and fight back with a praise. When we are unified our specific measures add up in unity to the full measure of God and allows the miraculous to occur. What are some things we can do to ensure the full measure of God through the body of Christ fully flows?

Prayer Focus and Requests
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray that they will allow the oil to flow through the body of Christ by not giving in to the temptation of the enemy.

Scripture References
Psalm 133
Malachi  4:2
John 3:34-36
Romans  12:3
Ephesians  4:7
Matthew 25:14
Hebrews 4:15-16
Philippians  2:13
1 Corinthians 15:10