Hey guys, Ron here flying solo today on Ron and Hope Unfiltered. Today’s topic is all about discipline. I know, I know, not the most exciting topic, but trust me, it’s the key ingredient for success. I’ve never known anyone who succeeded without having a set of disciplines in place. The ability to control yourself, to do things you don’t like with the same passion as the things you do like, that’s discipline.

Mike Tyson said it best, discipline is doing the things you don’t like with the same intensity as the things you do like. And let me tell you, discipline is crucial for success. It’s not just about talent or intelligence, it’s about having the self-imposed discipline to stay on track and stay focused on your goals.

I love using Biblical examples to talk about leadership and discipline. Jesus, the greatest leader of all time, still impacts lives today because of the disciplines he lived by. Paul talked about bringing his body under subjection to stay focused on his calling. It’s all about living a life worthy of the calling you have received.

Vision is another key component of discipline. Without a clear vision, people perish, they cast off restraint and run wild. Discipline comes from having a clear vision of where you want to go and what you want to achieve. It’s about setting boundaries and self-imposed disciplines to keep you on track.

I love the analogy of the river and the swamp. The river has banks, boundaries that produce fruit and life. The swamp has no boundaries, no structure, just chaos and death. It’s all about setting boundaries and self-imposed disciplines to produce a fruitful and healthy life.

So, I challenge you to start creating good habits, good disciplines that will help you achieve your goals and live a successful and fulfilling life. It takes 21 days to start a habit, so start today and make discipline a priority in your life.

I hope this message has been meaningful to you. Make sure to subscribe and leave a comment with your thoughts. And stay tuned for next week when Hope will be back with me, and we’ll continue our banter and conversations on all things real, raw, and relevant. Until next time, this is Ron on Ron and Hope Unfiltered, signing off. God bless and see you soon.