~ Open in Prayer ~


• How has your year started off?

• What’s one thing you’re believing God for this year?

• Are you looking forward to Spring or are you a Winter person?

Message Review

Heavenly Chaos is our journey through praise and worship helping us to understand that the things going on in the room are not the only things going on. There’s more going on when you praise and worship God that you can’t see than in the room that you can see. In order to tap into the manifest presence of God things must be done a certain way. We can’t just approach God any type of way and expect Him to dwell with us. Scripture presents patterns that must be adhered to in order for God to manifest. If you want his presence you have to do it His way. If we don’t do it His way we end up with an empty form – a church full but absent of God’s presence.

Let’s dig in more…

Let’s Talk About It!

Read Psalm 139:7-10 | Matthew 18:19

These two scriptures contrast the difference between the omnipresence and manifest presence of God. There are three defining characteristics that make God “God” – Omniscient (God is all knowing), Omnipotent (all potential is in Him), and Omnipresent (God is everywhere). However, the manifest presence is when God inhabits a room. The scripture in Psalms talks about the omnipresence of God and how He is everywhere but the scripture in Matthew talks about the manifest presence of God through a specific action and process – the gathering and agreeance of two. You don’t have to do anything for the omnipresence of God but the manifest presence of God has a pattern; and we don’t experience this because those patterns are ignored. Just because you have people in a room worshiping doesn’t mean God is inhabiting it. To everything God there is a way (pattern). What is the difference between the omnipresence of God and the manifest presence of God? Have you ever experienced the manifest presence of God? How was that experience different?

Read Proverbs 14:12 | Deuteronomy 28:1-2; 15

There is a way that seems right to a man but the end is destruction. If you do things your way it may start well but in the end it will collapse. For everything God wants to give you there is a way. You cannot serve God and live your way. Bible results only come when bible patterns have been obeyed. Our first “yes” of salvation is everything He wants to give us; that’s the easy one. In the next “yes” of sanctification you find out what God wants from you; that’s the more difficult one. If you obey you will receive the reward. Through scripture there’s a trend – God gives the pattern, the people obey the pattern, God rewards it with glory. If you do what He says you will be blessed and if you don’t you will be cursed. The only person that can curse you is you. The blessing or the curse is on YOU. Have you been doing things your way or God’s way? Has the “second yes” been difficult for you?

Read Exodus 39:42-43; 40:33-35 | 1 Kings 6:1,11-13; 1 Kings 8:10-12 | Psalm 16:11

God told the Israelites and Solomon to build a temple with specific instructions, THEN He filled the temple. Only AFTER everything had been done EXACTLY to God’s specifications did the manifest presence of God come. There is a way we have to approach God in order for His manifest presence to come. In that presence is where we find the fullness of joy. When we are obedient to God’s instructions we are rewarded with his glory which means weight and authority. In His manifest presence we have authority to speak against things and they happen. That’s where miracles happen, where God doesn’t need our help – in His presence He’s it. He’s everything we need and in His presence ANYTHING can happen. To everything there is a way and obedience is the master key to all things. Where in your life do you think your lack of obedience is preventing God from showing up? What instructions from the bible do you need to do a better job at following?

Read 2 Timothy 3:1-9 (5,7) | 1 Samuel 4:6-11;22 | 2 Samuel 6:1-7 | Psalm 100:4

The word warns against “shallow churches” in the last days. There will be a “form” but it will be empty. These churches are always trying to learn “how to” but they never “become.” They are clouds with no water. If you become everything you’re supposed to become you’ll automatically do everything you’re supposed to do. Where the pulpit is silent the people will struggle and there seems to be silence around spiritual things and patterns. We don’t adhere to patterns and then wonder why God isn’t present. When the Ark had been taken, they didn’t even notice that the presence of God was gone. We don’t want to be the church that just goes through the motions with a form of godliness with no power. Uzzah was struck down because he didn’t follow the pattern for how the Ark was supposed to be handled. Although Uzzah was well-meaning like 90% of our churches, he totally ignored the pattern. We can’t just approach God any type of way and expect Him to show up. We must enter his gates with thanksgiving and enter his courts with praise. Praise is the key to the manifest presence of God. How is your “praise life”? Have you had experiences with “shallow” churches? What can we do to prevent this?

Prayer Focus and Requests

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray that the body of Christ (the church) be awakened to praise and worship and be filled with the manifest presence of God. Help us to use our praise as a weapon that allows God to fight our battles.

Scripture References

Psalm 139:7-10

Matthew 18:19

Proverbs 14:12

Deuteronomy 28:1-2; 15

Exodus 39:42-43; 40:33-35

1 Kings 6:1,11-13

1 Kings 8:10-12

Psalm 16:11 2

Timothy 3:1-9 (5,7)

1 Samuel 4:6-11;22

2 Samuel 6:1-7

Psalm 100:4