~Open in prayer~


• How excited are you about this new series?

• What is your favorite worship song?

• Did you participate in 21 Days of Prayer?

Message Review

Fifteen years ago, things shifted in the Christian church when the millennials came into leadership. Leaders said they did not want God or church to be “weird”. Now we have a pretty church, but God is nowhere to be found. The young generation has no idea that God is not there. There are beautiful churches with all the things to make your visit a wonderful “experience”, but everyone left the same because God was not there. The anointing destroys the yoke, not talent or a production. Most pastors do not know the bible, so their church does not know the word. One generation that feels they are doing well and do not need the Holy Spirit. They don’t feel comfortable about deliverance or a move of God. There are protocols that create those atmospheres where God can move. Let’s dig in more and learn about how we can do just that….

Let’s Talk About It!

Read 1 Kings 18:30-40

In the story of the Prophet Elijah and the prophets of Baal. When you have churches that are dry that usually means something has been abandoned. Ahab and the prophets placed a false god before the Almighty God. Elijah saw what was wrong and rebuilt the altar in the name of the Lord. He did everything in order to prepare this task. The opportunity of a lifetime only exists during the life span of an opportunity. They do not last forever. Elijah did everything to honor God in the way He finds acceptable. At the time the fire of God fell from the sky and took up the water at the altar. The people of Baal were scared at the sight of this, and God dealt with and killed them all. Isaiah knew that there was a protocol to correct things and show proper worship and reverence to the Lord. What was the importance of Isaiah building a proper altar for God? What was the impact of his act of order and reverence for God?

Read Luke 10:38-42

Martha was upset with Mary because she was busy preparing a meal and getting things ready that evening. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and soaked in every word He spoke. When Martha asked Jesus to speak to Mary and ask her to help, Jesus said Mary had chosen what is better and it will never be taken from her. Now why do you think Jesus said what Mary chose to do was better than the work Martha was doing? What is the benefits Mary received because she sat and spent time with Jesus?

Read II Samuel 6:14-22

David danced and praised before the Lord with all his might. He was wearing his linen undergarments in the street. While the ark was brought, he was shouting and sounding the trumpet. When his wife Michal saw him from afar, she despised him in her heart. The ark was placed in the tabernacle that David built. He offered burnt offerings and of peace to God. After he blessed the people, and he gave them all food then went home to bless his house. His wife approached him and made a comment about his behavior that day. David said he was chosen by God to rule over Israel so he will continue to worship God! Why was David’s worship, dance and praise so important to him to show God? Why was his wife Michal so embarrassed and offended by it? How can you take your worship to a new level?

Prayer Focus and Requests

Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray and spend time in the secret place with Jesus. Spend time in true worship and PRAISE HIM because He is Worthy!

Scripture Reference

1 kings 18:30-40

1 Corinthians 2:4-5

Ephesians 3:10

Psalm 149:5-9

Psalms 103:1-3

Mark 14:3-9

Luke 7:44-47

Malachi 1:11

Revelation 1:4-6