Hey there, it’s Ron here, and I wanted to share a little bit more about the conversation that Hope and I had on overcoming temptation. This is a topic that is real, raw, and relevant to all of our lives.

When we delved into this subject, it brought up some personal struggles and experiences that I wanted to share with you. I opened up about the battle I faced with pornography in my past, and how it affected me. It was a difficult journey, but I knew I didn’t want to be a hypocrite or hide my struggles.

I shared how I took extreme measures to overcome this temptation, like calling hotel managers to remove TVs from my room when I was traveling. It was a battle, and it wasn’t easy, but I knew I needed to starve that desire and feed my spirit instead.

I also emphasized the importance of accountability, confession, and making no provision for the flesh. It’s a daily fight, but it’s one that we have the power to overcome.

I also touched on the importance of bringing these struggles to the light and not hiding them. By being self-aware and taking steps to confront and battle these temptations, we can start to overcome them.

It’s not an overnight process, but with determination, dedication, and the support of those around us, we can start to see progress. It’s all about taking responsibility, making changes, and arming ourselves with the tools to combat these struggles.

If this resonates with you, I encourage you to take the necessary steps to confront and overcome any temptations in your life. It’s a journey, but one that is worth taking for your own well-being and spiritual growth.

I hope this message resonates with you and that it encourages you to take the necessary steps to confront and overcome any temptations in your life. Remember, you have the power to overcome, and with the right tools and support, you can start to see progress.

Thank you for tuning in to Ron and Hope Unfiltered and be sure to share this message with others who may benefit from it. Until next time, take care and God bless.