Hey everyone, it’s me, Ron. Hope and I just had a great conversation that I wanted to share with you all. We were talking about the importance of choosing your circle wisely. You know, the people you surround yourself with have a huge impact on who you become and where you’re headed in life.

We shared a personal story about how I had to let go of some friends when I decided to pursue my calling in ministry. It wasn’t easy, but I knew that in order to move forward and align with God’s plan for my life, I needed to surround myself with people who would support and uplift me.

Hope also shared about her Inner Circle mentorship program, which is a great opportunity for anyone looking to grow and learn from someone who has been there. It’s a chance to be part of a community that celebrates your growth and encourages you to be the best version of yourself.

We also talked about the Vault, which is a library of all my teaching content available through the Ron Carpenter app. It’s a treasure trove of wisdom and inspiration that can help you on your journey of personal growth and transformation.

The key takeaway from our conversation was the importance of being intentional about the people you allow into your inner circle. Not everyone can go where you’re going, and that’s okay. Surround yourself with people who uplift, inspire, and encourage you to be the best version of yourself.

I hope this message resonates with you and encourages you to take a closer look at your relationships. Remember, you have the power to choose who you surround yourself with, so choose wisely.