Hey everyone, Hope here. I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on a recent conversation Ron and I had on our podcast. We talked about some important qualities that make a man easy to submit to, and I wanted to share my thoughts on it.

One thing that really stood out to me was the importance of having a vision. When a man has a clear vision for the future, it not only provides security for his family, but it also gives his wife something to come alongside and support. Having goals and dreams encourages growth and unity in a relationship, and it’s something that I really appreciate in Ron.

Another quality that makes a man easy to submit to is the ability to be strong yet gentle. It’s important for a man to fight for his family, but also to show tenderness and care towards his wife. When a man can be strong in the world but gentle at home, it creates a safe and nurturing environment for his wife to thrive in.

Additionally, being someone who always puts others first is a key trait that makes a man easy to submit to. When a man consistently prioritizes his wife’s needs and desires over his own, it shows a level of selflessness and care that is truly admirable.

Lastly, having a deep relationship with God is essential in being a man that is easy to submit to. When a man seeks guidance and wisdom from God, it not only demonstrates a level of humility and reliance on something greater than himself, but it also provides a sense of security and trust for his wife.

In summary, being a man who has a vision, is strong yet gentle, puts others first, and has a deep relationship with God are all qualities that make it easy for a woman to submit. These qualities create a foundation of trust, security, and love that allows a marriage to thrive and grow. And for me personally, these are the qualities that I see in Ron, and they are the reasons why it’s easy for me to submit to him.

So to all the men out there, I encourage you to cultivate these qualities in yourself and strive to be the kind of man that your wife can easily submit to. It will not only strengthen your relationship, but it will also bring joy and fulfillment to both you and your partner.

Thanks for tuning in, and we’ll see you next time on Ron and Hope Unfiltered.