Hey everyone, it’s Ron and Hope here, bringing you another episode of our podcast. Today we had a special guest, Pastor Paula, who shared some amazing insights on raising children to love and serve Jesus. As parents, we have a huge responsibility to lead our children in the ways of the Lord.

Pastor Paula shared some practical tips on how to instill the love of Jesus in our children from a young age. She emphasized the importance of devotions, praise and worship, and teachable moments in the home. Children are like sponges, soaking up everything they see and hear, so it’s crucial for us as parents to set a good example for them.

One of the key points Pastor Paula made was the need for parents to guard their children’s hearts. Our children are like soil, and whatever we sow into them will produce fruit in their lives. We have to be intentional about what we allow our children to watch, listen to, and experience, as these things shape their beliefs and values.

Another important aspect Pastor Paula touched on was the need for parents to present the gospel to their children in a clear and simple way. Using tools like the wordless book, parents can explain to their children the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice and the importance of accepting Him into their hearts.

At the end of the podcast, Pastor Paula reminded parents that we are the ordained agents of identity and destiny for our children. We have the power to lead them towards their God-given purpose and help them grow in their faith.

In conclusion, raising children to love and serve Jesus is a noble and rewarding task. It requires dedication, intentionality, and a deep love for God. Let’s commit to being the best examples we can be for our children and leading them in the ways of the Lord.

Stay tuned for more episodes of our podcast, where we will continue to explore important topics and provide practical advice for parents. Thank you for tuning in, and may God bless you and your family abundantly.