Hey everyone, it’s Hope here. I just wanted to share some thoughts with you after listening to the conversation between Ron and me on our podcast. We were discussing the difference between being delivered and being free, and it really struck a chord with me.

You see, being delivered is like removing the chains that held you back, while being free is about living without those chains altogether. It’s like the story Ron shared about our dog Zeke being delivered from the electric fence but still feeling trapped by the boundaries in his mind. It’s a powerful analogy that applies to our spiritual lives as well.

When we accept Christ into our hearts, our spirit comes alive and we are delivered from the power of sin. But the journey to true freedom involves renewing our minds daily with the word of God. It’s about setting our minds on the things of the spirit, not on the things of the flesh.

I resonated with the struggle that Paul describes in Romans 7, where he talks about the battle between what he desires to do and what he actually ends up doing. It’s a constant struggle, but the key to overcoming it is renewing our minds with the truth of God’s word.

For me, this teaching was revolutionary and life-changing. It helped me understand the importance of feeding my spirit and renewing my mind daily with the word of God. It’s not always easy, but it’s necessary for true freedom and abundance in our lives.

So, if you’re feeling trapped or bound by certain areas in your life, I encourage you to dive deeper into the word of God. It’s the key to setting your mind on things above and experiencing true freedom in Christ. Share this message with others who may be struggling, and let’s journey towards freedom together.

Thank you for tuning in to our unfiltered, real, raw, and relevant podcast. We appreciate your support and look forward to sharing more insights and teachings with you in the future. Stay blessed and keep seeking the truth that sets you free. God bless.