Hello, everyone! It’s Ron and Hope here, and today we wanted to share with you a conversation we had that was truly raw and relevant. We were discussing the topic of enemies and how they actually promote us in life.

We talked about how enemies and battles are a part of life, and how they can actually be a catalyst for growth and promotion. We shared personal stories of facing opposition and how those challenges ultimately led us to a better place.

One thing we discussed was the importance of facing our enemies head-on and not shying away from the battles that come our way. We talked about how God uses these struggles to shape us and prepare us for the next season of our lives.

We also touched on the idea of making changes and facing resistance from those around us. We shared about the importance of staying true to our calling and vision, even when it means losing friends or facing criticism.

Ultimately, we wanted to share the message that pain is for a purpose. Just like how Moses faced the Red Sea with Pharaoh’s army behind him, sometimes we have to take action and trust that God is leading us to a better place.

We encouraged our listeners to embrace their struggles and trust that God is using them to shape and mold them into who He wants them to be. We ended our conversation with a reminder to subscribe to our podcast, share it with friends, and continue to seek growth and understanding in our journey.

We hope that our conversation today has encouraged you to embrace your challenges and see them as opportunities for growth and promotion. Remember, God is always working in the midst of our struggles to lead us to a better place. Thank you for joining us on this journey of growth and discovery.

Until next time, stay unfiltered and keep seeking growth in all areas of your life. We love you all!