Hey everyone, Hope here! Today I wanted to chat with you about something that Ron and I discussed recently on our podcast. We talked about the importance of safeguards in our lives, especially when it comes to temptation. It was a great conversation that really got me thinking.

One of the first things we talked about was the idea that temptation often comes from within ourselves, not just from external sources like the devil. The Bible talks a lot about the struggles of our flesh and how we have to safeguard against our own desires. It’s not just about avoiding external temptations, but also about managing our internal struggles.

For me, one of the key safeguards in my life has been surrounding myself with the right people. When I went through a difficult time in my life, I had to be strategic about who I allowed to speak into my life. I had to cut out toxic relationships and rebuild with people who would support and encourage me in my journey.

Another important safeguard for me is setting boundaries in my relationships. Ron and I have decided together on certain places we just don’t go, like nightclubs, because we know those environments can be triggering for us. We’ve also been intentional about setting boundaries with our phones, sharing passcodes and having open communication to avoid any trust issues.

Overall, the key takeaway from our conversation was the importance of being intentional and proactive about putting safeguards in place in our lives. Whether it’s avoiding certain places, setting boundaries in relationships, or having accountability measures in place, it’s all about protecting ourselves from temptation and staying on the path towards living a life worthy of our calling.

I hope this blog has been helpful for you in thinking about the safeguards in your own life. Remember, it’s okay to set boundaries and protect yourself from things that could lead you astray. Stay strong, stay intentional, and keep striving towards becoming more like Jesus every day.

Until next time, blessings to you all! Don’t forget to follow us on our various social media platforms and check out Redemption Church if you’re looking for a community of support and encouragement. Take care!