Hey everyone, it’s Ron here, and I want to dive into a topic that Hope and I discussed recently on our podcast – defining moments. These are the moments in life where the decisions we make can alter the course of our entire future. We shared some of our defining moments, from choosing to attend a college that felt right in our hearts to deciding to start a church independent of the traditional system.

One of the defining moments that stands out to me is when we decided to move to California. It was a major leap of faith for us, leaving behind everything we had built and venturing into the unknown. But looking back, it was a pivotal moment that shaped our ministry and our lives in ways we could never have imagined.

Another defining moment for us was when we chose to reconcile and work through our struggles together. It was a difficult time, but we knew that the pain of the moment should not drive our decisions. Instead, we chose to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit guiding us towards healing and restoration.

I want to encourage you, dear reader, to pay attention to the defining moments in your own life. These moments may not always be pleasant or easy, but they are important for shaping who you are and where you are headed. Trust in the voice of the Holy Spirit and the peace He provides, even when the path seems uncertain.

In conclusion, I want to leave you with this thought – defining moments are like big doors that swing on little hinges. The decisions we make in those moments can have a profound impact on our future. So listen to that inner voice, seek guidance from God, and trust that He will lead you in the right direction.

Thank you for joining me on this journey of reflection and insight. Until next time, may the peace of God guide you in all your decisions and may you walk in the fullness of His blessings. Take care and God bless.