Hey there, it’s Ron. I wanted to share some thoughts with you about a recent conversation Hope and I had with Pastor Denise Boggs. We dove deep into the topic of inner healing and how important it is to address the pain and hurt that we carry.

We talked about how conditional love in our upbringing can lead to performance-based relationships and cycles of hurt that repeat themselves. We discussed the power of unconditional love from God and how it can break those cycles and bring true healing.

One key point Pastor Denise touched on was the concept of “if there is a tone, there’s a stone.” This means that if your tone of voice changes when discussing certain topics, it’s a sign that there is a deep-seated pain or trauma that needs to be addressed.

I shared my own journey of healing and restoration in my relationships with my parents, and how confronting the past and receiving inner healing has brought me true freedom and peace.

If you feel like you resonate with any of the topics we discussed, I encourage you to consider seeking out a retreat or program focused on healing the heart. These experiences can be transformative and lead to a life of true fulfillment and joy.

Remember, healing is a journey, but it’s a journey worth taking. I believe that each one of us deserves to live in freedom and wholeness. So don’t hesitate to reach out for help and support on your own path to healing.

Thank you for tuning in and sharing this message with others who may benefit from it. Let’s spread the message of healing and restoration to all who need it.

Blessings to you on your journey towards inner healing and wholeness. Until next time, take care and stay blessed.