Hey everyone, Ron here! Hope and I just had a deep conversation on our podcast about judgment, communication, and the importance of accountability in relationships. It’s something that’s been weighing on our hearts, especially as we see the moral decay in our culture.

We talked about how judgment should start in the house of God, but it should be done in a loving and accountable way. We shared personal stories and experiences of how accountability has shaped our lives and how important it is to have mentors who can speak truth into our lives.

We also touched on the decline of preaching holiness in churches and how important it is to have a standard of living that calls people to a higher place. It’s not about making people feel good, but rather about confronting our own shortcomings and striving for growth.

One key point we discussed was the importance of speaking the truth in love. It’s not just about pointing out someone’s faults, but about doing it in a way that shows you care about their well-being and want to see them grow.

At the end of the day, we all need accountability and guidance in our lives. It’s not about judging others or trying to look better than them, but about helping each other become the best versions of ourselves.

So, let’s focus on building relationships based on love, accountability, and growth. Let’s be open to receiving correction and guidance, and let’s strive to live a life that reflects the values of grace, truth, and love.

If you enjoyed this conversation, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the like button on our videos. And remember, we love you all and we’re here to support you on your journey towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Until next time, stay blessed and keep shining your light!